July 2007 | thebereancall.org

July 2007

[TBC: Yoga in the classroom has been resisted by concerned parents in many parts of the United States. Rather than give up, however, those promoting Eastern mysticism continue to “Westernize“ their terms and make it more palatable for parents. The new incarnation is called “mindfulness.“] In the Classroom, a New...Read more
TBC Today
Author cites need for understanding [Excerpts] Local interfaith dialogues urged Wake Forest University professor and author Charles Kimball [spoke] during the 2007 Community Prayer Breakfast at Harborside Event Center in Fort Myers. Kimball, who wrote the book "When Religion Becomes Evil," spoke about understanding and appreciating different religious views. The...Read more
TBC Today
An emerging Christianity is reshaping faith [Excerpts] Christians may believe that they are participants in a "faith once delivered to the saints," but the shape of that faith has varied greatly through the centuries. From the stately and ornate forms of Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism , to the humble and...Read more
TBC Today
[TBC: The rioting which followed the knighting of Salman Rushdie was inevitable. The religion of "peace" demonstrably needs but little incentive to further demonstrate that it is anything but peace.] Yes, you see, it's always the fault of the accused insulter. Never the fault of the sword-wielders, fatwa-issuers, fire-setters and...Read more
TBC Today
There are many ways to test the accuracy of the biblical worldview against naturalistic atheism (the worldview that controls most origins research). When our research is based upon biblical truths about the past, we find that our interpretations of the biological and geological facts make sense of what we see...Read more
TBC Today
Hundreds queue for 'Erotic Church Service' [Excerpts] 'A female dancer dances in a skin coloured stocking in the middle of the church in front of the altar. She crawls about on the floor and wraps herself in a hanging down white cloth. Is this a blasphemous provocation, a scoffing at...Read more
TBC Today
