July 2007 | thebereancall.org

July 2007

Question: How will the world (especially the Antichrist ) explain the Rapture—particularly in light of so much publicity around the Left Behind series? Response: The sudden mass disappearance worldwide of 100 million (or maybe more) of earth's inhabitants will cause a panic beyond anything we can imagine. I believe that...Read more
question and answer
Question: One of our staff who reads incoming letters writes, "After reading your articles, Dave, and responses to letters about Calvinism , a Calvinist writes that your theology confuses him. He says that you don't understand the L in TULIP, that Calvin held the same interpretation as you do on...Read more
question and answer
Question: In What Love Is This? you quoted Tozer on page 102: "So when man exercises his freedom [of choice] he is fulfilling the sovereignty of God, not canceling it out." In the May issue you gave statistics about the moral depravity of American society and said the judgment of...Read more
question and answer
El último engaño de parte del Ocultismo que ha capturado la imaginación del mundo occidental es lo que es llamado "El Secreto." El libro, del mismo nombre, ha alcanzado una gran popularidad ya que se han vendido más de 6 millones de copias y el DVD, del mismo libro, ha...Read more
feature article
