December 2017 |

December 2017

To a large extent, the hygienic laws God gave Israel through Moses preserved Jewish communities during the Middle Ages from the various plagues that swept through the civilized world. Jews were even persecuted because they seemed immune and were therefore accused of putting this curse on the Gentile populace. It...Read more
TBC Today
Each religion offers a system of belief and practice taught by its founder whereby one supposedly gains acceptance with God. No religion claims that its founder died for the sins of the world and was resurrected. Nor is it essential to any of the world’s religions that its founder be...Read more
TBC Today
Did you know that many Bible archaeologists thought that David never even existed? The archaeologists also said that Jerusalem wasn't even a city at the time David was supposed to have lived. However, in 1993 archaeologists made a huge contribution to this debate. While cleaning up an excavation at the...Read more
TBC Today
There is a simple solution, a shortcut to truth: start with the Bible first and investigate it thoroughly. Why start there? Not just because the Bible claims to be the only inspired Word of the one true God who created us. It also claims that all of the world’s religions...Read more
TBC Today
Israel is reportedly “one of a few countries in the world that entered the 21st century with a net gain in its number of trees,” according to a group that has pledged to turn the desert-nation into a garden oasis and says it has planted 250 million trees in the...Read more
TBC Today
God is at work bending, breaking, molding, and doing exactly as He chooses. And why is He doing it? He is doing it for only one purpose—that He may be able to say, “This is My man, and this is My woman.” We have to be in God’s hand so...Read more
TBC Today


T.A. McMahon

Und durch ihn alles mit sich selbst zu versöhnen, indem er Frieden machte durch das Blut seines Kreuzes - durch ihn, sowohl was auf Erden als auch was im Himmel ist. Auch euch, die ihr einst entfremdet und feindlich gesinnt wart...Read more

feature article

Missionierung, die die Tatsache von Sünde im persönlichen Leben ignoriert, während sie gemeinsame Sünden der Gesellschaft anprangert, ist eine Übung in Soziologie und keine Verkündigung des Evangeliums. Humanitäre Sorgen sind im Einklang mit dem Denken der unerlösten Welt. Die Predigt des Kreuzes mit allen Folgen ist für alle, außer den...Read more


Frage: Ich weiß, ich werde im Himmel sein, habe aber noch Angst vor dem Moment des Todes, dem Sterbensprozess. Können Sie mir helfen?

Antwort: Wir kennen ein Gedicht (von der Evangeliumstraktat Gesellschaft in Springfield, MO), das so geht:

Sich von der Erde, ihren Mühen, Sorgen und Schmerzen verabschieden – Angst...Read more

question and answer
