December 2017 |

December 2017

Wake up, parents, to the fact that many public schools are indoctrinating your children. "The parents have got to wake up to the fact," says constitutional activist Donna Hearne, "that their child is being indoctrinated in a way that is very destructive not only to what they probably believe in...Read more
TBC Today
In his landmark book, The Closing of the American Mind, Chicago philosophy professor Alan Bloom pointed out that the one virtue in America these days seems to be openness to anything and everything as equally valid behaviors or points of view. Any and every opinion is greeted with equal tolerance—not...Read more
TBC Today
One of the most difficult questions to answer in Christian work is, “What do you expect to do?” You don’t know what you are going to do. The only thing you know is that God knows what He is doing. --Oswald Chambers (My Utmost for His Highest).Read more
TBC Today
"Y por medio de él reconciliar consigo todas las cosas, así las que están en la tierra como las que están en los cielos, haciendo la paz mediante la sangre de su cruz. Y a vosotros también, que erais en otro tiempo extraños y enemigos en vuestra mente, haciendo malas...Read more
feature article
On a Wednesday evening…I sat in on a class called “Witchcraft 101: Curses, Hexes and Jinxes,” at Catland, a fashionable occult boutique in Bushwick, Brooklyn. More than a dozen people, most of them young women, sat in folding chairs in the store’s black-walled event space. The instructor was one of...Read more
TBC Today
In an interesting essay in Time magazine (June 15, 1998), its author related an experience that illustrates the foolishness of today’s unwillingness to take a definite stand when it comes to religious belief: As I checked in for a test at a local hospital the admissions lady inquired, “ What...Read more
TBC Today
This attitude has even found its way into theological seminaries and has spilled over from there into the thinking of most religious people. It is not considered presumptive or triumphalistic to suggest that there is only one true faith and that all others are wrong. That would be inexcusably offensive...Read more
TBC Today
“And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good” ( Genesis:1:25 And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after...Read more
TBC Today
Darwin faced a similar problem, which still haunts evolutionists to this day. If we are simply the product of chance motions of atoms, beginning with an inexplicable explosion (of an unknown energy source) called “the big bang,” then all of our thoughts are simply the result of chance motions of...Read more
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