November 2018 |

November 2018

If you have trouble opening the pdf in your browser we would recommend that you right click on the pdf link (attached below) then click on the command to Download Linked File or Download Linked File As (or similar command),and save the pdf to your desktop or documents. This will...Read more
The ultimate mystery cannot be impersonal because the impersonal cannot think, plan, organize, or create, and such capacities are absolutely necessary to bring the universe and especially intelligent life into existence. It takes personal beings even to realize that a mystery exists; and no impersonal “Force” could beget personal beings...Read more
TBC Today
Researchers studying genetics have concluded that the evolutionary tree of life does not reflect the facts of biochemistry. By the 1960s, biochemists had concluded that living things could be grouped into two distinct types based on their basic structures and genetic information. Eukaryotes have one or more cells and a...Read more
TBC Today
One of the male members from Beth Moore’s worship band got on his knees and apologized to the women in attendance at a conference for Native American women for any pain they have received because of men. Moore shared her reflections on the moment, which took place at a Living...Read more
TBC Today
Similarly, science has tried to explain the order in the universe as resulting from impersonal laws. Yet consciousness is not subject to any known laws of nature, and its development cannot be accounted for by physical laws. In order to avoid admitting to some “intelligence” behind nature, the hard-core evolutionists...Read more
TBC Today
The Bible NEVER flatters its heroes. It tells us the truth about each one of them in order that against the background of human breakdown and failure we may magnify the grace of God and recognize that it is the delight of the Spirit of God to work upon the...Read more
TBC Today
[TBC: Although we avoid politics, the Christine Blasey Ford narrative does reveal the role of psychology in bringing confusion, delusion, and fraud to modern culture.] Enough, or too much. Christine Ford…expects America to believe she needed a second front door for her Palo Alto home because, more than three decades...Read more
TBC Today
Furthermore, if occult power exists innately within all things and all beings, as Archie Fire Lame Deer declares, then far from bringing peace and unity to mankind, the opposite would be true. If “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely,” the prospect of mankind developing unlimited occult power is frightening...Read more
TBC Today
