November 2020 |

November 2020

Suppose the descendants of Adam become angry, frustrated, fearful, anxious, insecure, or lonely. Suppose they feel misused and abused or useless or lacking in purpose or meaning. Let them turn for counsel and help to their Maker, who created them for His own good purpose and knows everything about them...Read more
TBC Today
UC Berkeley can now launch its UC Berkeley Center for the Science of Psychedelics after an anonymous donor gave $1.25 million to start the center. The new center at the public university promises to research the possible medical benefits of psychedelic drugs, such as magic mushrooms and the chemical compound...Read more
TBC Today
MARK 10:51-52 And Jesus answered and said unto him, What wilt thou that I should do unto thee? And Jesus said unto him, Go thy way; thy faith hath made thee whole. And immediately he received his sight, and followed Jesus in the way. MARK 11:22 And Jesus answering saith...Read more
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John Goodwin was the pastor of a Vineyard church and a leader in the movement for a number of years. Prior to coming to Christ, he had been in the Hollywood music and drug and Eastern mysticism scene. It was his realization of the connection between the occultism he had...Read more
TBC Today
When we consider Jesus as the second person of the Trinity, the eternal Logos who became incarnate, we note instantly that in any attempt to plumb the depths of His person we are stepping into the deep waters of the nature of God Himself . In Hebrews:1:3 Who being the...Read more
TBC Today
The Bible has rightly been called “the Manufacturer’s handbook.” God our Maker ( Psalm:95:6 O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the LORD our maker. See All... ; Proverbs:22:2 The rich and poor meet together: the LORD is the maker of them all. See All.....Read more
TBC Today
A growing number of Arabs, particularly those living in the Gulf, say they finally understand that Israel is not the enemy of the Muslims and Arabs. This change of heart manifested even before the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain signed peace agreements with Israel during a ceremony at the White...Read more
TBC Today
Simple logic tells us that if Christian psychology has anything of value to offer, then the biblical claim of sufficiency is false; and in reliance upon the Bible alone the church has failed to meet the spiritual and emotional needs of Christians for the last 1900s years. Christian psychology claims...Read more
TBC Today

In Teil 1 betrachteten wir, was laut der Schrift in der Endzeit vor und bei der Rückkehr Jesu Christi geschehen wird. Wir konzentrierten uns auf die Welt – das heißt, jene, die biblisches Christentum, Jesus Christus und Seinen Weg der Erlösung, für alle die willens sind, ihn anzunehmen, abgelehnt haben....Read more

feature article

Die Kirche sollte nie ein irdisches Reich errichten. Nach 40 Tagen mit dem auferstandenen Herrn, während derer Er mit ihnen „über die Dinge redete, welche das Reich Gottes betreffen“ (Apostelgeschichte 1,3), konnten die Jünger die richtige Frage stellen: „Herr, stellst du in dieser Zeit dem Israel das Reich wieder...Read more

