July 2022 | thebereancall.org

July 2022

“O Lord Jesus, How continually Thou hast to reprove us for our unbelief! How strange it must appear to Thee, this terrible incapacity of trusting our Father and His promises. Lord! Let Thy reproof, with its searching, ‘Because of your unbelief,’ sink into the very depths of our hearts, and...Read more
Dear Brother T. A. & Beloved Bereans: Greetings in the name of our Blessed Hope & soon-coming King Jesus! Thank you for your commitment to proclaiming God’s all-sufficient word, in these final minutes of the final hour. Just read George Barna’s confirming survey of rampant apostasy & Biblical illiteracy in...Read more
Question: Some writers claim that a Christian can be demon possessed. Do you agree with this? Response: Concerning demonization of Christians, I’m not sure what that might mean, but I don’t find it in the Bible. I have spoken with those who can recite amazing stories from experience, but when...Read more
question and answer
Question: I don’t see how anyone can spend his time reading and screening all the books that Christians may read. I don’t know how far one is obligated to explain what the Word means to those who are in error. In my own experience, nothing anyone could tell me would...Read more
question and answer
Question: I have heard you say on a few occasions that all babies and children are saved. I do not dispute this, but could you show me some scripture that would back up that statement? Response: The sense of justice we have in our con science assures us that God...Read more
question and answer
Question: I have often heard you say that God does not bestow spiritual gifts through physical means, but only through spiritual means. This is logical, but I have a question. Why then did Jesus tell His apostles in Mark:9:29 And he said unto them, This kind can come forth by...Read more
question and answer
The objective of this series is twofold: 1) To assess what our children believe about the gospel, and, 2) To see if they can confidently give honest reasons for why they believe what they believe regarding the biblical faith they profess. I’ve written these articles from the perspective of a...Read more
feature article
Reconstructionist leader Gary North writes: “God wants Christians to control the earth on His behalf…. [We] want to see a biblical reconstruction of the United States, so that it can serve as an example to be followed all over the world.” David Chilton declares: “Our goal is world dominion under...Read more
TBC Today
