Quotable | thebereancall.org


“O Lord Jesus, How continually Thou hast to reprove us for our unbelief! How strange it must appear to Thee, this terrible incapacity of trusting our Father and His promises. Lord! Let Thy reproof, with its searching, ‘Because of your unbelief,’ sink into the very depths of our hearts, and reveal to us how much of the sin and suffering around us is our blame. And then teach us, Blessed Lord, that there is a place where faith can be learned and gained—even in the prayer and fasting that brings us into living and abiding in fellowship with Thyself and the Father…. Do at length teach us the mystery of Thy life in us, and how Thou, by Thy Spirit, dost undertake to live in us the life of faith, to see that our faith shall not fail…. Teach us how, in fasting and prayer, we may grow up to the faith to which nothing shall be impossible. Amen.”

—Andrew Murray, With Christ in the School of Prayer