TBC Notes - Be A Berean! | thebereancall.org

TBC Notes - Be A Berean!

McMahon, T.A.

Be A Berean!

If this is your first exposure to The Berean Call, as the name implies, we are all about encouraging our readers to be like the Bereans of Acts:17:10-11. They were Jews in the synagogue of the Greek city of Berea who were commended for listening to the preaching of the Apostle Paul and particularly for searching the Scriptures daily to make sure that what he was teaching was true to the Word of God.

Jesus, when asked by His disciples about the last days and the signs preceding His return, indicated that spiritual deception would be a chief characteristic (Matthew:24:3-5). Based on the increasing number of prophetic events being fulfilled in the world, and the widespread development of spiritual deception throughout Christendom, it seems evident that those days are upon us.

What is a believer to do in order to stand firm in the faith and be fruitful for the Lord? Be a Berean!

T. A. McMahon
Executive Director