TBC Notes - Our Format and Stewardship | thebereancall.org

TBC Notes - Our Format and Stewardship

McMahon, T.A.

Our Slightly New Format

One of the concerns we've had lately as we publish our newsletter is its size. On the one hand, it's been a very manageable read for most people who don't have much time to devote to it. On the other hand, issues that we believe are detrimental to biblical faith and are contributing to apostasy are growing exponentially. Therefore, we decided to expand the newsletter a bit to cover more of the trends, movements, false teachings, etc., that are influencing and adversely affecting the Body of Christ.

Our Stewardship

From time to time, and in the interest of good stewardship, we "fine-tune" our mailing list by performing a mail purge. Some who receive our newsletter by mail have been added through the best intentions of friends or family members and may not be interested. Of these, a rare few ask us to stop sending the newsletter, a request to which we quickly comply. Others who are not interested may line their birdcages with it or toss it away upon arrival--a costly solution. Unfortunately, the purge process may also affect the subscriptions of our more avid readers.

How can you avoid being removed?

  • We encourage you to check your mailing label every month. Before purging an address from our system we will always include a notice indicating, "This could be your last issue."
  • If you receive a notice, simply write, email to customerservice@thebereancall.org, or give us a call at 1-800-937-6638 to let us know that, yes, you still want to receive the newsletter by mail.

What if you no longer wish to receive The Berean Call?

  • If we don't hear from you after a purge notice has gone out, we'll understand this to mean that you no longer wish to continue your subscription.
  • Or, if you already know that you don't wish to receive our newsletter, please let us know as soon as possible.

What if you want to get the newsletter by email instead?

  • Subscribe to the online edition at www.thebereancall.org/subscribe. Then send an email to customerservice@thebereancall.org asking us to discontinue your paper newsletter.

As a reminder, The Berean Call is free within the United States. We have asked readers outside the U.S. to help with our mailing costs.

T. A. McMahon
Executive Director