Letters | thebereancall.org

TBC Staff

Dear Berean Call,

My church just finished a “40 Days of Purpose” campaign….I participated but I did not get a thing out of it. [When Jesus walked on earth] He spoke the Word, preached to the brokenhearted, healed, taught, and He got along very well. Why has the church decided He needs our help to spread the good news of who He is? Movies...plays—it just grieves me….I have the CDs on “40 Days” that you made, and I have listened carefully. There really isn’t anyone at my church that feels the way I do…so I talk to the Lord about this….Your newsletter and books and tapes have helped me so much over the years. DG (NC)

Dear Dave Hunt and Staff,

I am a certified hypnotherapist—a non-active one, because I too am against suspending critical judgment and thought, leaving a void for other messages and messengers to take possession. I confess I have a degree in psychology and an MS in counseling, as well as a BA and MA in English. So I have been thoroughly seduced by humanitarian thought for over 30 years. Your books, Seduction of Christianity, etc., have been very eye-opening, causing me to repent and submit my will and self to my Lord Jesus Christ. JD (NY)

Dear Mr McMahon,

Please, please do not take me off your mailing list. Your newsletter is very much appreciated and re-read many times over. We always look forward to receiving it.
AM (Zimbabwe)

To all at The Berean Call,

Thank you for standing firm on the truth of God’s Word. In this world, with everything starting to mesh together and good becoming evil and evil becoming good, there are times when I think, “Am I wrong for thinking this way?” Then one of your newsletters comes along and I thank God there are those who truly do stand on the truth. CH (CA)

Dear Brethren at TBC,

I would like to convey my deep appreciation and gratitude for continually sending your monthly newsletter….It has greatly helped me in my Christian life
(2 Peter:3:18). I may not agree with all your views/comments in the newsletter (particularly on the issue of Calvinism) but I would like to have a noble attitude like the Bereans, who searched the Scriptures daily, whether those things were so (Acts:17:11; 2 Timothy:2:15; 3:16-17). Kindly extend my gratitude to the people who help you in producing and printing these kinds of materials. EV (email)

Berean Call,

The newsletter is like a gallon of cold, pure water in the midst of a desert of biblical and doctrinal confusion....I really enjoy the letters from other like-minded believers who can see how crazy things have gotten. Surely the Antichrist and one-world religion must be lurking right around the corner. However, we, as believers, look for our “blessed hope.” Your work on Calvinism is great too. The Calvinists break the Bible down, take words and verses out of context, then put it back together with a manmade system: Calvinism. JP (TX)

Dear Sir,

A word of thanks for TBC. As I have been on your mailing list nearly one year, it’s time I let you know, the articles are good. April’s “Consumer Christianity” was excellent. I know you may be hard on us Calvinists, but the Lord’s chosen were around long before John Calvin, and that message was preached by others long before he came on the scene. I believe you are a well-saved team of workers, as were John Wesley and John Calvin. We should all be working toward the one end, “They shall call his name Jesus, for he shall save his people from their sins.” P.S. “Death of a Pope” by Dave in the May TBC is superb. TF (North Ireland)

To Whom It May Concern:

Our company just received a newsletter for the first time from your organization. Our staff read through the newsletter and, to say the least, they were appalled at some of your rhetoric. We are exposed daily to Christians (Protestants and Catholics) and the type of theology that you espouse is deadly to Christ's body the church. So please take our name off of your mailing list and do not darken our door again with your poison. JT (IN)

Dear Dave,

As a Christian [who was] raised Catholic, I enjoyed your May article, “Death of a Pope.” You continue to clarify what I suspected after searching the Bible for decades. AZ (IN)