Letters | thebereancall.org


Dear T. A.,

I read through a list of groups that are called cults. The Catholic Church is rarely listed because people do not know what they teach. When I was a Catholic, I was taught in the Catholic Catechism that salvation requires good works, the sacraments, and Purgatory. This denies John:14:6—Jesus’s perfect and complete sacrifice on the Cross. It is very evident that Rick Warren is helping the Catholic Church in promoting unity and paving the road to the One World Religion. Thank you for exposing what is not of God. KS (UK)


Thank you for the excellent monthly letter! Usually, you explain errors in Christian doctrinal teachings. We really enjoy reading it. The articles on Hebrew Roots were really good. IF (Puerto Rico)

Dear Berean Call

It has been a good number of years since I began receiving your newsletter. It has been about the only one out there exposing the wolves in sheep’s clothing—apart from a very few today. For whatever reason, they keep falling away. For [several] months now, I’ve noticed that you haven’t been identifying many of the tares. It was good to see your January issue do it! With all of the TV ministries out there and the understanding of the many that will fall away in the last days, can you give us a better look at who they are by name, as the scriptures say to “mark them”? WR (email)

Dear TBC,

There’s a brother here that is new to “the Relationship,” and your article entitled “The Love of God” was right on time for him. We would appreciate it if you keep our account open and active until the Day of the Lord (won’t need TBC after that) and keep The Berean Call newsletter coming. From all your extended family here in the Texas prison system, we say, “Howdy and God bless y’all.” JP (TX, prisoner) 

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Enclosed is my annual “widow’s mite”—down from last year, but the Lord is still blessing. I read from Proverbs:3:9-10: “Honor the Lord with thy substance, and with the fruits of all thine increase; so shall thy barns be filled with plenty and thy presses shall burst out with new wine.” I am not in want or need. Warren Wiersbe said, “If we don’t faithfully give to the Lord, we don’t really trust the Lord.” Please continue in the work of the Lord Jesus till He comes. (Anon)

Dear Mr. McMahon,

I must say, this recent article is one of your best. I appreciate your knowledge, perseverance, and dedication to the Lord. However in this issue, you proceed with judging yourself out of your own mouth on the subject of baptism [relying] upon these four scriptures: Matthew:28:19-10, Mark:16:16, 1 Peter:3:21, and Acts:2:38. If the Lord wants to save someone without baptism (such as the thief on the cross), that’s the Lord’s business—not yours and not mine. Even though I believe God would save him without being baptized under those conditions, that is most definitely not the criteria the Bible [indicates]. Your thinking regarding baptism continues to be antithetical to the “terms” God has set forth concerning baptism. TK (IN)

Dear T. A. and Staff,

In your December newsletter you put in perspective the importance of seeking first the kingdom of God—and the need to examine our hearts and consider whether there are things we want to accomplish, places we want to go, or even victories we want to win for God ahead of a real desire to see the Lord’s imminent return. That surely should cause folks to see the seriousness of their attitudes and motives at this time. Again, thanks for the exhortation. MT (NY)

Hello TBC,

Thank you for these resources and your books. Many of my sisters in Christ have been hooked into yoga, and it is replacing all their priorities. I have only read a few pages of your book on this topic and I’m so very appreciative for the background and scripture. My husband found it and recommended it to me as this topic has caused some friction in relationships. CC (email)