Letters | thebereancall.org


Dear TBC,

Please close my account and remove me from your mailing list. Your attempt to persuade me into the TBC cult has no power. I am a born again believer, Jesus is my Lord and my personal Savior. He is the Son of God and I only serve Him.

May your lives be forever radically changed when you follow The One. RM (AZ)

Dear TBC,

I just would like to express my gratitude for your ministry and your newsletter. “As cold water to a weary soul, so is good news from a far country” (Proverbs:25:25).

There is always a refreshing feeling to read, meditate, and digest the truth—which is the Word of God. So thank you for shedding light on the Scriptures and helping me to understand them from an apologetic perspective. So, continue to stand firm regarding the Bible as the truth. DM (prisoner, IL)

Dear TBC,

Greetings in the Mighty name of the Lord. There could be many people who have access to churches on every corner there where you are. In Nigeria there is not a deep hunger and thirst for the truth as many live in remote towns and villages, but it is our prayer that the Lord will reveal Himself to them and make it possible for them to receive teachings for further Christian growth in their lives. Perhaps the reason many professing Christians do not have a deeper hunger for Him is because they have not had their souls satisfied by Him.

Their appetites have been “stuffed” by the pleasures of this world instead of feasting upon His word. When we are truly satisfied in Him He will be most glorified and that is the only thing that will bring victory in our lives (Hab:3:18-19). No matter what comforts we enjoy, when they are gone, we have this hope, that God is ever faithful, may we never take for granted those things that the Lord gives us to enjoy, and may we not abuse them, but always remember “HE is the Giver” of all that we have. Our joy does not come from the things of this world, for they will vanish away one day, but the joy we have in the Lord is our strength and sustenance from day to day. PB (Nigeria)

Dear TBC,

I have believed that watching movies about God has allowed me to discern and polish God’s truth in my mind. I see These Movies as  the modern version of “eating meat sacrificed to idols.” But your points are biblical and have given me clearer insight to the deceptions used by Satan during these last days. I thank you and have asked God to speak more to me about this. MP (email)

Dear TBC,

I wanted to let you know that I am most supportive of the What Love Is This? book and also other efforts and projects.

Thank you for continuing to run this race. BTW, [What Love Is This? is an] excellent reader on the podcast version. SS (email)

Dear TBC,

I was thinking you were being a tad hard on The Chosen in your latest publication. Didn’t quite understand the reference to Mormon producers. Then I watched the latest prophecy update from JD Farag. Oh my!!!! At timeline 36:28-39:50 min.

Incredible!!! Why on earth would Jenkins partner with unbelievers to portray Jesus?? We are sooooo in the end times. Lord Jesus, “COME QUICKLY!!” So, more than ever, we are to only preach the pure word because we are in a time when it is so easy to be led astray. Maranatha! TK (email)

Dear TBC,

Thank you for this much needed wake up call concerning apostasy in the Church. However, I do not think you treat those who believe in the doctrine of election fairly. Charles Spurgeon believed in such and his teaching brought me into a greater understanding of the believer’s responsibility to passionately evangelize wherever they can, and that it is the Holy Spirit’s responsibility to bring the knowledge of salvation to life in the soul that is dead. Here there is election and I fail to understand how this can be linked to apostasy. DM (email)