Letters | thebereancall.org

TBC Staff

Dear Dave and Staff,
Thank you all once again for another year's magazines loaded with helpful information. Things here in the UK are spiraling out of control both morally and spiritually as a result, I firmly believe, of a judicial blindness upon the Nation's leaders for willfully embracing and incessantly promoting devious lifestyles and concocting laws giving strong rights to the homosexual camp to sue anyone who does not bow the knee to their perversions. Please renew my subscription. GC (United Kingdom)

Dear Mr. Hunt and Mr. McMahon,
Let me thank you for The Berean Call letter every month. I appreciate your insight on the Scriptures and your truth on the Catholic religions. I was Catholic the first 35 years of my life (I'm 75 now) but thank God and His grace, I'm free. MD (KY)

Dear Dave,
I just finished reading your book The Mind Invaders for the second time. [It] really encouraged me, and even though it's a work of fiction, I also know that evil spirits truly work in such a deceitful manner. By leading victims unaware by these methods of so-called spiritists and mediums, these evil forces lead untold thousands into the paths of deception. As believers, we should be "blowing the whistle" on such travesties, even when the "wise" of this world call us small-minded and intolerant. CP (prisoner, FL)

Dear Folks at Berean Call,
Please keep up the great work, particularly in your exposés on the failure of psychology and secular counseling. I work in the court system, and it's discouraging and heartbreaking to see families in crisis being referred to counselors who do nothing but make their situations worse. It's particularly distressing to see these spiritually bankrupt "solutions" used in juvenile courts, where so many lost, empty, precious children are floundering. I pray that their lives will be touched by true believers in Christ who will offer them life and hope in place of the deadness that all these secular programs doom them to. MC (NH)

Dear Co-Laborers in Christ,
About two years ago, I was attending a good Bible-based community church when seemingly out of nowhere TULIP teaching became the focal point. I struggled with the "T" [Total Depravity] and the "U" [Unconditional Election] but when it came to the "L" (Limited Atonement), I looked around the congregation and noticed no one else seemed to be looking around-stunned, as I was. This Calvinist teaching was taught in-depth for several months. Even before moving on to the "I" and "P," I hit a pit of despair. For the first time since my salvation, I began to doubt and realized there was no assurance. If I'm chosen, I'm chosen. If I'm damned, I'm damned. And God is glorified in both? I was astounded to learn that the words "world" and "whosoever" did not mean what they implied but meant that "God so loved the ‘chosen'..." and they were "whosoever." For months I continued searching and despairing....During this time, a friend came into [our] store and I tentatively shared with her my new-found doubts. My fear was that she too believed this TULIP doctrine. Instead she loaned me her husband's book by Dave Hunt, What Love Is This? It was underlined and highlighted and I knew I needed my own copy. I contacted TBC and ordered the book....The ministry at TBC is invaluable. Many of our customers are delighted to find books that offer substance and answers to those who are thirsting, starving, and despairing. LP (WA)

Dear Dave,
It is with sadness that I ask to be removed from your mailing list. I have been an avid reader for over 12 years now. I am United Pentecostal but the apostolic movement is far greater than one organization. Of course, we believe in the Holy Spirit. It is the Spirit of Christ. One can't see a Spirit for He is invisible. The Father of our Lord Jesus Christ is a Spirit. He is invisible too. Jesus is the visible expression of the invisible God. God manifest in human flesh. There is only 1 Spirit-not 2 or 3. Scriptures say that the Lord is that Spirit. There is only One Lord-not 2 or 3. Acts:2:37 clearly shows that God has made Jesus both Lord and Christ....You are in grievous error in your remarks and my heart goes out to you and forgives you, but how can two walk together unless they be agreed? The Trinity doctrine is the only doctrine that links the Protestants and denominations to the Mother Harlot Church of Rome, kind of like an umbilical cord. We have severed all ties with Rome. VH (TX)

Dear Berean Call,
I want to take this opportunity to say thank you for your newsletter. It is refreshing to read articles that declare fundamental, God-inspired truth. So many mainstream Christian magazines and newsletters along with the ministers of those denominations have bowed to such deceptive and liberal thinking. By the inspired Word of God today, as God allows, I will seek to only fill my mind with God's Word, "The Standard for Truth." Thanks for writing material that uses God's Word as your plumbline. ML (prisoner, SC)