Nuggets from An Urgent Call to a Serious Faith—Exploding Interest in “Positive Spirituality” (Part 3) |

Dave Hunt

Many Christians now assume that our thoughts and words, not God, control our destiny—that we are little gods under Him capable of creating our own world. Such a philosophy seems at obvious odds with Christ’s prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane: Father, all things are possible unto thee; take away this cup [of the cross] from me; nevertheless not what I will, but what thou wilt. (Mark:14:36)

Presumably, if Christ had only understood and practiced the “principles of success” that are now being taught in the church, the New Testament would have had a different story to tell. Had He only taken a Dale Carnegie course in “How to Win Friends and Influence People,” He could have won the rabbis and Romans over to His side and wouldn’t have been crucified. Instead of making enemies by His negative pronouncements, His goals could all have been worked out peacefully by the principles of Positive Thinking and ecumenical cooperation.

While being soothingly assured by today’s “prophets” that we are in the “greatest revival ever,” the church is sinking deeper into the last-days apostasy foretold by Christ and His apostles. More than 30 years ago A.W. Tozer preached that, rather than “revival,” the church desperately need reformation.