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Title Sourcesort ascending Post date Author
Question: Sam Harris writes, "Every devout Muslim has the same reasons for being a Muslim that you have for being a Christian...." How can one tell which "holy book" is true and which is not? Isn't it one man's word against another man's? question and answer Jan 2009 TBC Staff
Question: Should Christians "take back the land"? question and answer May 2024 TBC Staff
Question: You teach that God is not the creator of evil.... Hear God: “I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things” (Is 45:7)....Perhaps you will answer this in your newsletter.... question and answer Apr 2016 TBC Staff
Question: How does the rise of Islam fit with the revival of Rome? The woman riding the beast represents a world religion headed by the Vatican. Can you see Islam ever uniting with Rome? question and answer May 2005 TBC Staff
Question: If Christ took upon Himself the grave and the Lake of Fire, then there is no need of repentance and trusting Him for our salvation. Wouldn't both penalties be paid in full? question and answer Jul 1993 TBC Staff
Question: Undoubtedly the hottest selling book at the moment in Christian circles is The Prayer of Jabez by Bruce Wilkinson....After reading it I came away with some serious misgivings. What is your opinion? question and answer Jul 2001 TBC Staff
Question: Are some people born straight and others gay? question and answer Nov 2022 TBC Staff
Question: How can God send the overwhelming majority of humanity into everlasting conscious torment? question and answer Sep 2007 TBC Staff
Question: You say that Islam is a violent religion and that Christianity is not. Yet the Old Testament is full of commands by God to kill pagans—sometimes men, women and children. How can I justify this when I witness to Muslims? question and answer Jul 2003 TBC Staff
Question: Why do you quote C. S. Lewis favorably? Aren’t you aware of his many unbiblical beliefs, especially the things he says in Letters to Malcolm? question and answer Feb 1993 Hunt, Dave
Question: Deuteronomy 7:3-11 forbids the Jews to marry people from other nations (Gentiles). How could Jesus, then, “the king of the Jews” who came “to fulfill the law,” possibly marry the “church” which is made up of Gentiles? question and answer Jan 1997 TBC Staff
Question: Can there be a true spiritual awakening in America where the power of evil is turned back and a return to righteousness occurs? question and answer Nov 1999 TBC Staff
Question: Should we distance ourselves from unbelievers? question and answer Sep 2018 TBC Staff
Question: How far is one obligated to go in explaining what the Word means to those who have been led astray? question and answer Mar 2009 TBC Staff
Question: What does “complete unity” mean in John 17:23? question and answer Jun 2017 TBC Staff
Question: Why do you think Jesus rose on Sunday? question and answer Jan 2021 TBC Staff
Question: I am confused about “the dead in Christ shall rise”— what does that exactly mean? question and answer Jan 2019 TBC Staff
In Defense of the Faith question and answer Mar 2015 Hunt, Dave
In Defense of the Faith question and answer Feb 2016 Hunt, Dave
Question: Does today’s “Signs and Wonders” movement relate to the signs and lying wonders of 2 Thessalonians 2? question and answer May 2007 TBC Staff
Question about the Jews and the Sixth Seal question and answer Jul 2005 TBC Staff
Question: While Jesus was in the womb of His mother, who was sustaining all of creation? question and answer Feb 2004 TBC Staff
Question: Has anyone written anything about the secular acquisitions [of Christian companies] and the impact this has on Christian publishing? Why would Christians allow this to happen in the first place? question and answer Oct 2012 TBC Staff
Question: Could you please interpret the meaning of Psalm 102? I was told to read Matthew 5:1-12 and Ecclesiastes 1 and 3. I truly would like to know your thoughts. question and answer Jul 2008 TBC Staff
Question: Why do the terrorists behead the hostages? Is that just for the effect it causes, the horror and fear it creates, or is there some other reason? question and answer Nov 2004 TBC Staff
Question: Doesn’t Calvin’s assertion that the children of the elect are automatically elect open up a huge can of worms...? question and answer Aug 2003 TBC Staff
Response on Youtube to "The Chosen" question and answer Dec 2021 TBC Staff
Question: I read a report that the SSA had been issuing benefit checks that include "666." If this is true, how important might this be to us? question and answer Jun 2006 TBC Staff
Question: Could you please explain to me whether the soul and spirit are the same? question and answer Aug 2010 TBC Staff
Question: I believe we are born into sin and with a sin nature but are not sinners from birth....I can tell a group of adults and teenagers that we are all sinners but not a group of small children. question and answer Feb 2008 TBC Staff
