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Title Source Post datesort ascending Author
Humility, Accountability & Awe feature article Sep 1994 Hunt, Dave
Quotable quotable Sep 1994 TBC Staff
Question: I’ve just received a copy of Texe Marrs’ newsletter that accuses you of “strongly defend[ing] the grotesque, new Bible versions”.... What is your response to these charges? question and answer Sep 1994 TBC Staff
Question: In your July newsletter you quoted a letter about a radio Bible teacher who, though a Christian, remains in the Catholic Church in order to win others to Christ. You seemed to approve of her remaining in the RCC. Do you? question and answer Sep 1994 TBC Staff
Contending for the Faith feature article Aug 1994 McMahon, T.A.
The following exchange took place between Larry Lewis, president of the Home Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention, and Dave Hunt. question and answer Aug 1994 TBC Staff
Quotable quotable Jul 1994 TBC Staff
Question: Our adult Bible class teacher says Jesus was half God and half man; that God can only act in response to our prayers; and that when the one prayed for isn’t healed it’s because there hasn’t been enough prayer.... Are these ideas biblical? question and answer Jul 1994 TBC Staff
Question: I hear so much on radio and television about the last decade of this century leading up to the year 2000 being a time of unprecedented revival. Is this biblical? What do you think? question and answer Jul 1994 TBC Staff
Question: Christianity Today of May 16, 1994 seemed to defend Karen Mains whom you criticized.... They quoted T. A. McMahon and seemed to include you [Dave] among those they labeled “self-appointed heresy hunters.” Do you have any response...? question and answer Jul 1994 TBC Staff
Question: Pastor John Hinkle said over TBN that he heard God say, “On Thursday, June 9, I will rip the evil out of this world.”...The prophecy was promoted by Paul Crouch and Pat Robertson, yet when it failed to materialize neither said a word about it. question and answer Jul 1994 TBC Staff
A City on Seven Hills feature article Jul 1994 Hunt, Dave
Living by Faith feature article Jun 1994 Hunt, Dave
Quotable quotable Jun 1994 Law, William
Question: I am the director of a Christian pro-life crisis pregnancy center and I am increasingly aware of, and uncomfortable about, testimonies and literature that come across my desk that insist upon the importance of “forgiving yourself.” question and answer Jun 1994 TBC Staff
Question: I have been trying to witness to a Catholic friend who is quite knowledgeable regarding the beliefs of his Church. He makes a very big deal over the validity of “tradition”.... What does the Bible mean by “tradition?” question and answer Jun 1994 TBC Staff
Question: Do you have a policy concerning contacting people you mention in your writings? question and answer Jun 1994 TBC Staff
Quotable quotable May 1994 Tozer, A W
Question: I’m very concerned about New Age Bible Versions and it has little to do with my personal bias for or against any particular version of the Bible. It’s creating division in my church....What are your thoughts? question and answer May 1994 TBC Staff
Question: I read your “Q&A” on “eternal security” and I’m still left with this nagging question: Can an individual who made a confession of faith in Christ come to a place where he ceases to believe? question and answer May 1994 TBC Staff
The Gospel Betrayed feature article May 1994 Hunt, Dave
Quotable quotable Apr 1994 Law, William
Question: I have some Christian relatives who are involved with Amway. Besides “bugging” me to sign up, is there anything I should be concerned about for their sakes? question and answer Apr 1994 TBC Staff
Question: I am confused by an ongoing debate between two brothers in my Bible study. The issue is the “eternal security” of the believer vs. the possibility that one could “fall away.” What is your perspective? question and answer Apr 1994 TBC Staff
Question: I just read C. Fred Dickason’s Demon Possession and the Christian and in it he seems to be saying that a Christian can be demon possessed. Is that the way you see it? question and answer Apr 1994 TBC Staff
The Psychospiritual Approach feature article Apr 1994 McMahon, T.A.
Quotable quotable Mar 1994 MacDonald, William
Question: I was literally stunned by a passage a friend read to me from a book by Karen Mains...what seemed to be her communication with a personal spirit guide. Am I reading too much into her writing? question and answer Mar 1994 TBC Staff
Question: Why is the Bible silent about mental illness except for speaking of demon-possessed persons? Could you address this subject? question and answer Mar 1994 TBC Staff
Question: In the Scofield Bible…we find numerous marginal references...stating that Rome was Daniel’s strange fourth beast....When did these additions become part of the inspired word of God...? question and answer Mar 1994 TBC Staff
