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Title Sourcesort ascending Post date Author
Question: Can there be a true spiritual awakening in America where the power of evil is turned back and a return to righteousness occurs? question and answer Nov 1999 TBC Staff
Question: Why do you besmirch the names of men like Billy Graham? question and answer Aug 2022 TBC Staff
Question: I believe we are born into sin and with a sin nature but are not sinners from birth....I can tell a group of adults and teenagers that we are all sinners but not a group of small children. question and answer Feb 2008 TBC Staff
Question: In The Purpose Driven Life, Rick Warren...seems to avoid the subject of prophecy and biblical teaching concerning the last days. Do you get this impression? question and answer Feb 2005 TBC Staff
Question: If Christ took upon Himself the grave and the Lake of Fire, then there is no need of repentance and trusting Him for our salvation. Wouldn't both penalties be paid in full? question and answer Jul 1993 TBC Staff
Question: I read a report that the SSA had been issuing benefit checks that include "666." If this is true, how important might this be to us? question and answer Jun 2006 TBC Staff
Question: What do you think about Messianic Gentile Christians? question and answer Aug 2021 TBC Staff
Question: Why do you quote C. S. Lewis favorably? Aren’t you aware of his many unbiblical beliefs, especially the things he says in Letters to Malcolm? question and answer Feb 1993 Hunt, Dave
Question: [Is it true] that Jesus was afraid that Satan would kill Him prematurely in the Garden...before He could get to the cross...? question and answer Dec 1993 TBC Staff
In Defense of the Faith question and answer Oct 2013 Hunt, Dave
Question: In your Sept. 1995 Berean Call you purported to answer a question about Mt 1:21 [“He shall save his people from their sins”]. Your answer could lead one to believe…that everyone is saved…. question and answer Jan 1996 TBC Staff
Question: In your May newsletter you quoted J. C. Ryle that sound theological teaching includes “lifting up the Brazen Serpent....” What does that mean? question and answer Jul 1998 TBC Staff
Question: If Christ took upon Himself the grave and the Lake of Fire, then there is no need of repentance and trusting Him for our salvation. Wouldn’t both penalties be paid in full? question and answer May 2014 TBC Staff
Question: What will stop us from sinning in heaven? question and answer Aug 2019 TBC Staff
Question: The Bible often speaks against following tradition more than the Word of God. question and answer Dec 2009 TBC Staff
Question: Recently I joined a yoga class for fitness and relaxation. During the class, mantras are used....Everyone I have asked seems to think there is no problem with this but I feel uncomfortable and do not know why. question and answer Apr 2012 TBC Staff
Question: You always seem to use the KJV Bible. Why not use the modern translations that are so much easier to understand? question and answer Sep 1992 Hunt, Dave
Question: Will Antichrist be a Jew (just as Judas, a fellow Jew, betrayed Jesus)? If so, will he be of the tribe of Dan (Danish)? question and answer Jun 2004 TBC Staff
Question: What is the correct biblical use of faith? question and answer Apr 1986 Hunt, Dave
Question: We are trying to stand to defend the faith and have come across people believing in the evidence of gold dust, jewels from heaven.... If we stick to the Word-based miracles only—is that limiting God? question and answer Sep 2012 TBC Staff
In Defense of the Faith: Question: One of the things I find most objectionable about Christians is the insistence that their particular formula for finding God is the only way. question and answer Jan 2017 Dave Hunt
Question: I am struggling with the terms “surrender” and “submission.” We have all heard the saying that when we become Christians we surrender or submit to Christ. And to a certain extent this is true. I can’t even find the word “surrender” in the New Te question and answer Aug 2016 Newby, Ed
Question: Please watch this videotape of Jack Van Impe and tell me what has gotten into him! He used to be sound in doctrine years ago, but now he praises the Pope as an evangelical Christian.... Why has he changed? question and answer Apr 1997 TBC Staff
Question: ...How could Jesus be the Messiah the Lamb, if He was not crucified until a day after the passover lamb was slain? Mark 15:1 says, “in the morning,” so it had to be the next day, a day after the passover, that Jesus was slain. question and answer Jul 2000 TBC Staff
Question: What about Veggie Tales? question and answer Jun 2015 TBC Staff
Question: In Genesis 11:1-9, Nimrod builds the Tower of Babel in the land of Shinar. In Zechariah 5:5-11, the city needs to be rebuilt on its base. What keeps that city from being rebuilt now? question and answer Jul 2016 Hunt, Dave
Question: What's the difference between Jesus and God? question and answer May 2023 TBC Staff
Question: [Y]ou overlooked what I think is CRI’s most legitimate objection to your thesis that the whore in Revelation 17 is the world church headquartered at the Vatican. [T]he Vatican sits on one hill, not seven…. question and answer Jun 1996 TBC Staff
Question: Our grandson and some of his friends from church seem to be obsessed with the Star Wars film series. They trade Star Wars cards and play Star Wars games. I don’t feel good about it but don’t know why. Can you give me some information? question and answer Nov 1998 TBC Staff
Question: Did you see the PBS documentary, Islam: Empire of Faith?...The spread of Islam during the Middle Ages was presented as being the result of wise planning and leadership....Your comments on this program would be welcome. question and answer Feb 2002 TBC Staff
