March 2004 |

March 2004

Some people wish they could have lived in Jesus’ day so they could have heard His voice and His teaching. They forget there were thousands who heard Jesus but who had no idea what He was talking about. They forget that His own disciples had to wait for the Holy...Read more
TBC Today
In this last decade of the 20th century, as we move rapidly toward the last days of the End Times , two things stand out beyond all others: that the Western nations possess a cosmic ignorance of the reason for the Arab-Israeli conflict, and that the Church is abysmally naive...Read more
TBC Today
The “seeker-friendly,” or “seeker-sensitive,” movement currently taking a host of evangelical churches by storm is an approach to evangelizing through application of the latest marketing techniques. Typically, it begins with a survey of the lost (referred to by a leading church in this trend as the “unchurched,” or “unchurched Harry...Read more
feature article
SAMPLES AND CRITICISMS of the Let Us Entertain You   ·   Make You Feel Good About Yourself   ·   Never Offend You · Keep It “Lite”   ·   Meet Your Felt Needs   ·   We’re Your Therapist   ·   Build Your Self-Esteem   ·  ...Read more
tbc extra
Lights, Camera, Salvation ? Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ had not reached most theatres at the time of this writing. Yet, the excitement it has created among well-known Christian leaders who have previewed the film and are very enthusiastic about it is amazing. One article that addressed such...Read more
tbc notes
Dear Dave and T.A., You asked for feedback on the radio ministry. As you are not on a station in my area, I have been receiving it [on tape] monthly for the last couple years. I find the tapes to be very useful. They work in very well with my...Read more
letters, 24/01/2004: The latest religious phenomenon to hit the US is one that is being viewed as the most significant since the advent of tel evangelism in the 1980s, writes Oliver Poole. An advertisement for the Saddleback Church invites congregants to attend “God’s Extreme Makeover”—a revival of Christ in their...Read more
news alert
Question: In Hebrews 6 it says, “if they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance....” Doesn’t the word “again” mean that they had already fallen away and repented at least once? Yet I’ve heard you say that this passage is one of the strongest for not falling away!...Read more
question and answer
Question: Please comment on this new bestseller, The Da Vinci Code. It claims the Bible was collated by Constantine and a vote of the Council of Nicea, which did away with the gospels that spoke of Christ’s humanity and embellished gospels to make him godlike. The Council voted to establish...Read more
question and answer
