March 2019 |

March 2019

Question: I’ve heard several speakers lately say that Jesus was afraid that Satan would kill Him prematurely in the Garden of Gethsemane before He could get to the cross, and that’s why He cried out, “O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me,” the “cup”...Read more
question and answer
Jerusalem Synagogue Desecrated, 1/29/19, “Jerusalem synagogue desecrated: ‘Recalls dark periods of Jewish history’” [Excerpts]: A synagogue serving the French community in Kiryat Yoval, a neighborhood in southwest Jerusalem, was vandalized [January 28]. The synagogue’s Torah ark was smashed and the Torah scrolls thrown on the ground. Police have already...Read more
news alert
A Berean’s Modus Operandi Being a Berean is a good thing, which is why Luke, in writing the Book of Acts, commended the Jews in the Greek city of Berea. He noted that they had listened to the Apostle Paul’s teachings about Jesus as their long-awaited Messiah, and then they...Read more
tbc notes
Dear Brother in Christ Jesus, I have received the newsletter since the 1980s. Unfortunately…I have found that you all distort the Holy Scriptures, either wittingly, or unwittingly, altering and/or changing the meanings of words given by our Lord, in order for you to accommodate the “Pre-trib Rapture theory.” These errors...Read more
When we belong to the Lord and seek to live for Him, we’ll see that our own provision isn’t limited to earthly means. Who, reading this, has ever faced an impossible situation and could see no solution, when suddenly, the problem was solved in ways that couldn’t have been imagined?...Read more
Question: Is there scripture in the Bible that restricts God (Jesus) from personally revealing Himself (one-on-one) to an individual living in a Godless tribe in darkest Africa or anywhere else? Please state your scripture reference in your answer. Response: There is no specific scripture that forbids the Lord appearing to...Read more
question and answer
Question: I have a question please: Does Satan tempt us with evil thoughts? Response: The pattern of temptation and sin, according to James:1:13-15 [13] Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man: [14]...Read more
question and answer
Let’s say I were to voice the question, “Heard from God lately?” to a very large crowd that had a mix of Christians and non-Christians. Among the crowd would be professing Christians, biblical Christians, cessationist Christians, charismatic Christians, pentecostal Christians, contemplative Christians, progressive Christians, conservative Christians, as well as a...Read more
feature article
When genuine contact is made with the spirit realm, the communications that come through are inevitably anti-Christian. The “God” of the channeled materials contradicts God’s Word and even holds God up to ridicule. One of the boldest, latest, and most popular examples is found in Conversations with God: An Uncommon...Read more
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