March 2019 |

March 2019

Families are close to God’s heart. In fact, they were His idea in the first place. From the beginning, when God created man, He said, “It is not good for man to be alone,” so He created woman as a “help-meet, suitable for him” ( Genesis:2:18 And the LORD God...Read more
TBC Today
Medical science has increased the average lifespan remarkably, for which we are all grateful. It cannot, however, escape responsibility for the discovery, proliferation, and over subscription of drugs. We are an evil and unrepentant society, and (just as the Bible foretells for the last days) a large part of that...Read more
TBC Today
The problem of pinning down “official” Adventist teaching is alive and well. In fact, Tim Martin from The Centers for Apologetics Research has been writing a pamphlet about Seventh-day Adventism, and in his research he has bumped into this problem. In his research, Tim encountered the work of M. L...Read more
TBC Today
Had it been left to us to make promises regarding prayer, I do not know that you or I could have done more than say, “Ask, and ye shall receive.” Yet, while the promise is so full, so deep, so broad, so precious in every way, we have here—as becomes...Read more
TBC Today
In the 1960s, Timothy Leary, the Pied Piper of Harvard, led mesmerized youth into spiritual experiences that materialistic science had told them did not exist. Leary’s LSD (and other psychedelics) turned out to be the launching pad for mind trips beyond the physical universe of time, space, and matter to...Read more
TBC Today
Arab residents of Judea, Samaria and Gaza, who identify as “Palestinians,”…have a penchant for fabricating and staging photos and videos in an effort to advance a false narrative depicting Palestinians as innocent victims of brutal Israeli occupiers. Photos are often photoshopped or simply lifted from other war zones with no...Read more
TBC Today
The religious use of mind-altering drugs has a long history going back to the Oracle at Delphi and beyond. The coca leaf was used by the Incas in their religious rituals just as the sacred mushroom has been used by other indigenous peoples in theirs. These substances ushered the users...Read more
TBC Today
Estoy muy bendecido por tener amigos quienes están muy bien informados sobre la ciencia y cuyo llamado es utilizar sus conocimientos para alcanzar a los perdidos y ayudar a los creyentes a mantener la creencia bíblica en la batalla espiritual entre las creencias sobre la creación y la evolución. Estoy...Read more
feature article
A research team described a form of fossilization that it thinks can explain how original proteins have lasted for millions of years in Earth’s crust. It does match certain fossil features, but leaves two key questions unanswered. And that leaves soft tissue fossils still looking quite young. Publishing in Nature...Read more
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