April 2019 | thebereancall.org

April 2019

With the end of the Cold War easing the threat if all-out nuclear battle, the emphasis is now upon reversing the pollution that threatens us everywhere. Here in America, more than 30 states have adopted laws requiring environmental issues to be taught in schools. The National Environmental Education Act, originally...Read more
TBC Today
Cases of hate and violence against Christians in India increased 57 percent the first two months of this year compared with the same period last year, an advocacy group reported. The Evangelical Fellowship of India’s Religious Liberty Commission (EFIRLC) documented 77 incidents of hate and targeted violence against Christians in...Read more
TBC Today
In 1996 the media had great fun with the story that First Lady Hillary Clinton had made contact and carried on conversations with a former First Lady, Eleanor Roosevelt. There were disclaimers by Hillary that the conversations had been “imaginary.” Was she then just talking to herself? Surely it had...Read more
TBC Today
Beetles (order Coleoptera) are a unique but common group of insects easily recognized by the pair of shiny forewings covering their body. These protective wing-cases are called the elytra. Beetles make up almost 40% of the described insects in God’s creation. If all zoologists stopped what they were doing and...Read more
TBC Today
My mistake has too often been that of too much haste. But it is not the people’s way to hurry, nor is it God’s way either. Hurry means worry, and worry effectually drives the peace of God from the heart. -- James Outram Fraser (1886 – 1938, British Christian missionary...Read more
TBC Today
Satan’s Fall Question: I was always taught from Isaiah 14 that Satan was a fallen angel originally named Lucifer. Recently I’ve learned that this isn’t so, for the one being spoken of in Isaiah 14 is obviously “the king of Babylon” (verse 4). Then was Satan created by God as...Read more
Dave Hunt Classic
Getting Back on Tract My guess is that most of us have passed out tracts from time to time…or at least one time. This note is to encourage you to get back to doing that or get started doing it! There are all kinds of tracts, most of which simply...Read more
tbc notes
Christopher Hitchens: Why We Need Free Speech IntellectualTakeout.com, 2/7/19, “Christopher Hitchens on Why We Desperately Need Free Speech” [Excerpts]: One sentence. Five restrictions on the power of the government of the United States. “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or...Read more
news alert
Dear T. A. McMahon, Although I disagree with some things you write, the January issue with the Ecumenism update is spot on. Really enjoyed it. Even when we disagree, it challenges me. Thanks. JK (IA) Tom , That summary on ecumenism was extremely well done—succinct and so true! You may...Read more
God is ready, waiting to be gracious. All the infinite stores of His grace and power are at the command of His Church and for the glory of His Son. The result of this winter’s work will depend on the attitude of His Church. A heaven-sent revival will come when...Read more
