February 2021 | thebereancall.org

February 2021

Gott segne Amerika! Wirklich?

Im Oktober 2017 schrieb ich einen TBC Artikel mit dem Titel „Segne [oder preis] den Herrn!“ Leider sind Amerikaner im Allgemeinen nicht von Gott gesegnet noch umgekehrt. Nicht nur dass sich das Böse in unserer ganzen Gesellschaft exponentiell vermehrt. Es geht tiefer. Wir sind ein Land...Read more

tbc notes
So where did all the genetic information in our DNA—a complex language system—come from? That’s something evolutionary ideas have never been able to explain. But evolution requires the addition of massive amounts of brand-new genetic information in order for a single-celled organism to evolve into a human over billions of...Read more
TBC Today
The falsely accused, some of whom have been sent to prison, are beginning to strike back, suing the therapists involved. And the courts are hearing their cases, weighing the evidence and awarding large judgments. Washington State University professor Elizabeth Loftus, one of the foremost experts on memory, warns of the...Read more
TBC Today
A menudo escuchamos de personas que sufren de diversas dolencias y no entienden por qué tienen que soportarlas. No sé la razón en particular por la que Jesús no sana a una persona que está enferma y que le pide curación. Hay muchas condiciones de sufrimiento que, por supuesto, Jesús...Read more
feature article
Many families took one look at their school district’s remote or hybrid learning offerings this fall and said “no, thank you.” That’s the message gleaned from national and state-specific data on the surging number of homeschooled students this academic year. Prior to the pandemic and related school closures last spring,...Read more
TBC Today
Such cases, rare in the past, are now proliferating as increasing numbers of psychologists and psychiatrists regress patients into the past in search of abuse. Some therapists are now convinced—and convincing a growing audience—that rare indeed is the person who has not been sexually (and probably satanically) abused. It has...Read more
TBC Today
Tragically, Colson did not clearly present the gospel. Nor did Bill Bright in his acceptance speech at a Catholic Church in Rome, though he was not sparing in his praise of Templeton and his anti-Christian prize. Said Bright: “The prestigious Templeton Prize, to me, because of the nature of its...Read more
TBC Today
A plague of false memories of alleged sexual abuse “revealed in therapy” is destroying literally thousands of families across the country, many of them Christian. This author received a call from a disturbed pastor. “I need some advice,” he began. “A young woman in our church has been going to...Read more
TBC Today
2 CORINTHIANS 8:16-17 But thanks be to God, which put the same earnest care into the heart of Titus for you. For indeed he accepted the exhortation; but being more forward, of his own accord he went unto you. 2 CORINTHIANS 11:8-9 I robbed other churches, taking wages of them...Read more
Get Biblical Understanding
Welcome to The Berean Call podcast. I’m T. A. McMahon, TBC’s Executive Director. We’re currently re-airing a discussion I had with Dave Hunt in 2003 featuring his book Countdown to the Second Coming . In this episode, Dave and I discuss why speculations about the Bible, prophecy, the church, and...Read more
Countdown to the Second Coming
