September 2021 |

September 2021

Question: You justify God for sending people to hell because He has provided salvation for them in Christ. That won’t do. Millions and probably billions will still spend eternity in hell.... God knew that. How could a good God create anyone who He knew would suffer eternally? Response: God wants...Read more
question and answer
[TBC: After making this unbiblical statement, Passion Translation author Brian Simmons goes on to say much more:] “We are the Word made flesh again. We are the Reincarnation of Jesus Christ.” “Christ is no longer a man. He’s a people. You and I carry like Mary. We will bring forth...Read more
TBC Today
The Bible says nothing about going on the offensive against demonic strongholds. Nor did the apostles and early church ever engage in such a practice. When Paul cast the demon out of the “damsel possessed with a spirit of divination” ( Acts:16:16 And it came to pass, as we went...Read more
TBC Today
Publicado anteriormente en Noviembre 1, 1989. Un número creciente de Cristianos se están involucrando en activismo social y Político, con el asombroso propósito de intentar coaccionar a una sociedad impía para que adopte estándares Cristianos de conducta. La "Operación Rescate" es un ejemplo. Su fundador, Randall Terry, explica que su...Read more
feature article
