Question: “What can you tell us about the upcoming “America for Jesus” rally taking place in Philadelphia Sept 28&29? |

TBC Staff

Question: “What can you tell us about the upcoming “America for Jesus” rally taking place in Philadelphia Sept 28&29? The leadership calls for a “solemn assembly” based on 2 Chronicles:7:14. Is there any hope for America based on this promise, and is there any practical benefit to participating in such national rallies?

Response: Anne Gimeniz of The Rock Church is the national chairman of this rally, originally launched by her late husband, John Gimenez, on April 29, 1980, with participants including Pat Robertson, Jim Bakker, Bill Bright, and Jerry Falwell.

Even political commentators have noted “the prominent role of New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) leaders in the event reveals just how much the Religious Right has changed and grown even more extreme, as leaders now not only claim that they have a divine mandate to change politics but also that they are actual apostles and prophets with the same divine appointment as the apostles and prophets of the Bible and receive direct prophecies from God” (Brian Tashman, “Washington for Jesus Returns as the ‘America for Jesus’ Prayer Rally in Philadelphia,” Right Wing Watch, 02/21/2012).

Other speakers include Lou Engle of the International House of Prayer (IHOP). In the May 1990 issue of the newsletter Dave warned: “This “Latter Rain” movement is growing with astonishing speed in association with the Vineyards and Kansas City Fellowship under the influence of ‘prophets’ such as John Wimber, Paul Cain (former associate of William Branham), Rick Joyner, Mike Bickle and others. Increasing numbers of churches are ‘submitting’ themselves to these ‘prophets’ in what appears to be a rapidly growing new discipleship movement based upon “signs and wonders” which is bringing dangerous heresies into the church in the name of holiness and unity [emphasis added].”

Also manifested in a group known as the Kansas City Prophets, this 1940s Latter Rain movement was declared a heresy by mainline Pentecostals (among others) and lost momentum for many years. Unfortunately, it seems you can’t keep a heretical idea down and various aspects of it have surfaced again. The happenings at Toronto and Pensacola (Brownsville Revival) and various spots around the world are simply manifestations of these same ideas, with the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) being the continuation of these unbiblical teachings.

Word faith teachers such as Kenneth Copeland and Gordon Robertson of the 700 Club have also endorsed the event as these separate movements move closer together in their goals and objectives (See May 2006 TBC).