Question: How can we know what God says without hearing through a human source and therefore making it a human opinion? How can we be sure that we are hearing what God says and not just what some religious leader tells us God said? |

TBC Staff

Question: How can we know what God says without hearing through a human source and therefore making it a human opinion? How can we be sure that we are hearing what God says and not just what some religious leader tells us God said?

Answer: You have asked one of the most basic and important questions possible! Sadly, most people are perfectly willing to follow what some man says God said. I tell people who are sincere about this question to go to the Bible first. It claims to be the only true Word of God—and that all other “scriptures” are false, as are the religions they espouse. If we can prove the Bible is true, then we have saved a lot of time.

In fact, we can prove the Bible is true in many ways. The chief proof is found in prophecy, which is unique to the Bible. There are no prophecies of any substance to be found in the Qur’an, for example, or in the Hindu scriptures, the sayings of Buddha or of Confucius, etc. And biblical prophecies are not about obscure events, but foretell centuries and, in some cases thousands of years in advance some of the most significant occurrences in world history. We have no space to go into them here, but you will find these prophecies discussed in detail in past issues of TBC (Jul ’92, Feb ’98, Aug ’01, Nov ’01, Dec ’03) as well as in some of my books, such as A Woman Rides the Beast, In Defense of the Faith, An Urgent Call to a Serious Faith, Countdown to the Second Coming, and When Will Jesus Come?

Our entire ministry is based upon calling everyone to study the Bible and not to accept anyone else’s interpretation, including ours. We have every confidence that those who sincerely seek the truth and examine the Bible carefully will come to know the true God. The God of the Bible makes this promise: “And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart” (Jer:29:13). We are assured that “he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him” (Heb:11:6).