Letters | thebereancall.org


Dear folks at TBC,

I have greatly been informed through the years from your ministry—much labor I’m sure. You are much needed for such a time as this. You speak what most do not want to hear—the truth is a two-edged sword indeed. I am praying as many are. JH (VT)

Dear Mr. McMahon,

So many thanks for your article “Vanishing Lovingkindnesses and Tender Mercies.” Amen and Amen. The so-called biblical counseling in the Church has simply reversed the Christian’s [compassion] for others to a consuming interest in ourselves. No peace there. MC (NJ)

Dear TBC ministry,   

Thank you for the recent newsletter. I appreciate the deep wisdom that comes from eight pages. Thank you. AT (prisoner, CA)

Dear Friends,

Again, I want to thank you for the latest issue of The Berean Call. I liked the reprint of Dave Hunt’s message from 2008, related to the things we are seeing today. I am glad he mentioned names and different bibles that we should not use. I especially enjoyed the letters from other members of this ministry.

I believe we will be seeing things happen as never before during this year…so keep us prepared by exposing the frauds, but help us all give Christ all of our work and prayers. SR (AR)

Dear TBC,

Although I do not consider myself a Christian of this particular variety any more, I will never fail to acknowledge my debt to Mr. Dave Hunt for assisting in the development of my mind as a young man. His books, especially The Seduction of Christianity, Beyond Seduction, and Peace, Prosperity, and the Coming Holocaust, were instrumental in awakening to me all kinds of ideas, historical personalities, modern thinkers, theological disputes, and biblical concepts. Most of all, he was an example of the passionate, intellectual Christian whose faith gave him the courage to confront powerful opposing forces within his own camp. God bless his soul. And a humble bow to him always, despite the grumblings of Gary North somewhere in the background (and yes, I respect Mr. North as well). Anon

Dear Berean Call,

I praise our Father in heaven for the boldness in declaring God’s Word is sufficient. I thank Him and you for your stand. Two things about God we should remember: He cannot lie, and all things are possible with God. Psalm:138:2 says He exalts His word above His name. John the Baptist testified that whoever accepts Jesus’s testimony certifies God is truthful (John:3:33). Jesus says, “I am the way, the truth, and the life” (John:14:6). Continue to preach God’s Word in all seasons. You are indeed a blessing and I thank God for you all. LB (MI)