Question: If aliens exist, why shouldn't we give them the gospel? |

TBC Staff

Question: I read some time ago that the Vatican justified expenditures for its telescope by saying it would all be worth it “if just a single alien is converted.” You seemed to imply disapproval of that idea. Why? Shouldn’t the gospel be given to extraterrestrials if they are encountered?

Response: First of all, the gospel is for man and not for beings on other planets: “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son…that the world through him might be saved” (John:3:16-17); “Christ died for our sins” (1 Corinthians:15:3); “he is the propitiation …for the sins of the whole world” (1 John:2:2), etc. So even if extraterrestrial intelligences (ETIs) existed, the gospel would do them no good. The fact is, however, that they don’t exist. 

Evolutionists are the ones who suggest there are ETIs out there; and the Vatican accepts evolution. Atheists believe that life happened by chance on Earth and could have happened by chance elsewhere, a theory that the Vatican also accepts. On the contrary, life is created by God. If it exists on other planets, He created it—but that idea is both unbiblical and unreasonable. God was not experimenting. Any intelligent life capable of making a choice would make sinful choices. Surely one planet of sinners is enough!

Since “God is love” (1 John:4:16), He would not create intelligent beings and, after they sinned, do nothing to rescue them. But there is only one way for God to forgive any sinners: the penalty must be paid by God himself becoming one of them. Jesus had to become a man to redeem us. He would have to become one of each kind of ETI to redeem them. But that is antichrist doctrine according to 1 John:4:1-3—Christ has come once and for all time in human flesh. Jesus Christ is “the same yesterday, today and forever” (Hebrews:13:8)—the unique Son of God, who is God and man in one Person.

It was to this earth that Satan came to spread his rebellion and to this Earth that Christ came to defeat Satan and destroy his power. It is to this earth that Christ will return to destroy Antichrist and to establish His kingdom; and from this earth He will rule the new universe. Christ died for sin only once, here on this planet and for mankind (Hebrews 9 and 10, etc.). His sacrifice of Himself and His resurrection cleansed the entire universe of sin and made possible a new universe. The Bible has no gaps into which ETIs could fit. 

The universe is so vast that it is absurd to imagine contact with physical ETIs even if they did exist. It would take our fastest spacecraft 90,000 years just to reach the closest sun that might have planets where life might exist. Any “UFOs” with the technology to zoom through “hyperspace” would likely crash when they got here. UFOs are nonphysical demonic manifestations sent to deceive mankind. Angels and demons are out there, but not ETIs. Their “gospel” is antichrist.