Question: Shouldn't you point out theistic evolution among Protestants as well as Catholics? |

TBC Staff

Question: A while ago, you wrote a very informative article about evolution, but didn’t you put too much emphasis on Catholicism’s support of that theory? What about protestants, and even evangelicals? Shouldn’t you have pointed out that theistic evolution is quite popular in those circles as well?

Response: The debate over how God created the not a central tenet of Christianity. Christianity is inextricably linked with all of the Bible. If any part contradicts any other part, then the whole of Scripture is undermined. If the Bible is wrong in its account of man’s origin, why should we trust its teaching about man’s redemption? Like “Christian psychology,” “theistic evolution” is one more example of Christians desiring to be academically respected and thereby embracing a worldly wisdom that compromises and contradicts God’s Word. What some Catholics don’t understand, The American Atheist magazine does: “But if death [of evolving prehumans] preceded man and was not a result of Adam’s sin, then sin is fiction. If sin is fiction, then we have no need for a Savior.... [E]volution destroys, utterly and finally, the very reason [for] Jesus’s earthly life.... If Jesus was not the Redeemer who died for our sins, and this is what evolution means, then Christianity is nothing.” (Cited in The Christian News, Nov 11, 1996)

Adam is mentioned about 30 times in ten books of the Bible. To discredit the biblical account of Adam’s creation punctures so many holes in all of the Bible that it can no longer be the container of consistent theology. Darwin said, “If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ[ism] existed that could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications,  my theory would absolutely break down.” Had Darwin known of the incredible complexity of life on the molecular and cellular level, he probably would not have proposed his theory. Since the discovery of the “black box,” evolutionists, right up to the present, have maintained a total silence on this subject—a silence that speaks volumes.