May 2017 |

May 2017

No hay duda que Calvino impuso sobre la Biblia ciertas interpretaciones erróneas de origen católico romano. Muchos líderes calvinistas están de acuerdo en que los escritos de Agustín fueron la fuente real de la mayoría de lo que hoy se conoce como Calvinismo. Los calvinistas David Steele y Curtis Thomas...Read more
Book by Dave or Tom
El CALVINISMO y las controversias que lo rodean ha enfrentado a los protestantes por más de cuatrocientos años. Por supuesto, la controversia en la iglesia se remonta mucho antes de Juan Calvino, a hombres como Pelagio, Agustín y otros. Aurelius Augustinus nació el 13 de noviembre de 354, en Tagaste,...Read more
Book by Dave or Tom
Los calvinistas hacen hincapié en que su teología se basa en la exégesis bíblica sólida, siendo "firmemente basada... en la palabra de Dios." [1] Algunos han ido tan lejos como para afirmar que "esta enseñanza se sostenía como verdadera por los mismos apóstoles", [2] e incluso "Cristo enseñó las doctrinas...Read more
Book by Dave or Tom
Nuggets from “ An Urgent Call to a Serious Faith ” by Dave Hunt – “To Obey Is Better Than Sacrifice” The phrase “eternal life” refers not only to the quantity of the life God offers, but to its quality – a quality of life that God wants us to...Read more
TBC Today
The apostolic church thought more about the Second Coming of Jesus Christ than about death and heaven. The early Christians were looking, not for a cleft in the ground called a grave but for a cleavage in the sky called Glory. --Alexander MacLaren (11 February 1826 – 5 May 1910,...Read more
TBC Today
Dear Friends, I started reading the Bible with Genesis and then on to Exodus. It was interesting until I got to the part of all the instructions in the Law. I wasn’t learning how God was working in people’s lives. Then a fellow Christian brother in another cell told me...Read more
Question: Besides Genesis:15:6 And he believed in the LORD; and he counted it to him for righteousness. See All... concerning Abraham, can you give me other verses that state that the Old Testament saints were declared righteous by their faith in God? Response: We are told, “For the law having...Read more
question and answer
Question: How can the Berean Call stand behind Israel and the Jews who occupy it?…They don’t believe the Bible, Old or New Testaments....They hate Jesus (God). The Talmud teaches that He’s burning in hell….If they hate Jesus, they hate the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob! They teach their people...Read more
question and answer
Question: There were at least 15 apostles. That only four of them [Peter, James, John, Paul] would be “inspired” to write the New Testament seems rather odd. One would logically expect many others to have written “inspired” accounts. How do we know there weren’t several other records written that were...Read more
question and answer
TBC NewsWatch Teaming Up To Stop Child Sacrifice, 3/23/17, “Pastor Teams Up with Law Enforcement to Stop Brutal Child Sacrifices” [Excerpts]: A pastor in Uganda has joined forces with law enforcement and politicians to put a stop to the brutal and barbaric practice of child sacrifice. In Uganda, ancient...Read more
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