August 2017 |

August 2017

Nuggets from An Urgent Call to the Serious Faith by Dave Hunt – "Galatian Salvation " Paul’s epistle to the Galatians was written to correct the error of salvation partly through Christ and partly through works. In all of his epistles, Paul comes back to the theme that salvation is...Read more
TBC Today
Lutero era sin lugar a duda la figura principal de la reforma en este momento y es con quien los protestantes de hoy tienen la deuda más grande. Aunque muchos otros antes que él, se habían opuesto a Roma, Lutero fue el primero en publicar y distribuir su desafío en...Read more
Book by Dave or Tom
Casi cualquier discusión profunda con los calvinistas eventualmente toca el tema del libre albedrío. Y, casi siempre, se hará referencia a la Esclavitud de la Voluntad de Martin Lutero. John Armstrong declara, " en última instancia esto es todo aquello que la reforma trata... La esclavitud de la voluntad... Lutero...Read more
Book by Dave or Tom
Muchos teólogos y filósofos parecen también encontrar un conflicto entre el previo conocimiento de Dios y la libre voluntad del hombre. Si Dios sabe lo que va a pasar antes de que suceda, entonces debe suceder como Él conoció con anterioridad o su pre conocimiento sería un error. Siendo ese...Read more
Book by Dave or Tom
The National Park Service has finally agreed to let a Christian geologist collect rock samples from the Grand Canyon for research. Andrew Snelling, who has a Ph.D. in geology from the University of Sydney, tried for four years to get permission to collect the samples. The park service only agreed...Read more
TBC Today
Nuggets from “ An Urgent Call to a Serious Faith ” by Dave Hunt – The Church Is Not Israel Knowing that Israel would reject and crucify Him, Christ said He would build a new entity, the church. This would occur in the interim prior to Israel ’s restoration while...Read more
TBC Today
To ensure as many students as possible embrace progressive politics, a Wisconsin university is seeking to hire someone to promote social justice. Campus Reform reports the University of Wisconsin-Madison is seeking to hire a Social Justice Education Specialist to "promote a safe campus climate for minority students, LGBTQ students, women,...Read more
TBC Today
Nuggets from “ An Urgent Call to a Serious Faith ” by Dave Hunt – The Church Is Not Israel Knowing that Israel would reject and crucify Him, Christ said He would build a new entity, the church. This would occur in the interim prior to Israel ’s restoration while...Read more
TBC Today
People who do not know the Lord ask why in the world we waste our lives as missionaries. They forget that they too are expending their lives ... and when the bubble has burst, they will have nothing of eternal significance to show for the years they have wasted. ---Nate...Read more
TBC Today
The story goes back three years and involves notorious hoaxer, Jaime Mausson from Mexico. Known as Mexico’s foremost ufologist, he’s been involved in hoax alien photos, the Roswell slides, the Metepec creature and more. In fact, you can pretty much guarantee that whatever he claims is the real deal is...Read more
TBC Today
