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Title Sourcesort descending Post date Author
Rejecting the truth TBC Today Feb 2014 TBC Staff - EN
Things You Need to Know About Faith in China TBC Today Jun 2014 TBC Staff - EN
Trying to Get on the Same Side as the World TBC Today Oct 2014 TBC Staff - EN
Islam: Banned for "Blasphemy?" TBC Today Feb 2015 TBC Staff - EN
French Archbishop Thanks Evangelicals for Alpha Course and Charismatic Movement TBC Today Apr 2005 TBC Staff
Mormon Ads TBC Today Nov 2005 TBC Staff
Commie TBC Today Jun 2006 TBC Staff
The Islamist Trojan Horse is Already in Place TBC Today Nov 2007 TBC Staff
Unclean Dogs Out TBC Today Jun 2008 TBC Staff
Nuggets from Cosmos, Creator, and Human Destiny TBC Today Sep 2024 Dave Hunt
Sluggards and Escapists TBC Today Oct 2023 TBC Staff
Not just the selected portions TBC Today Mar 2024 TBC Staff
The Fruit of Faith and Obedience TBC Today Jun 2024 TBC Staff
Not Enough TBC Today Jul 2005 TBC Staff
A Chip in Hand TBC Today Feb 2006 TBC Staff
Survival is Mean TBC Today Aug 2006 TBC Staff
Muslim Student's Association Jihad Network TBC Today Apr 2008 TBC Staff
A Setback for the Stealth Jihad TBC Today Dec 2008 TBC Staff
A Blueprint For a Genocide of Existence TBC Today Jan 2023 TBC Staff
Nuggets from Cosmos, Creator, and Human Destiny TBC Today Apr 2024 Dave Hunt
Islamic Scholar: ‘The Jews are not the enemies of the Palestinians alone,’ but ‘of humanity as a whole’ TBC Today Aug 2023 TBC Staff
Lebanon Hosts Terrorists, Points Massive Arsenal at Israel, Then Complains When Israel Defends Itself TBC Today Feb 2024 TBC Staff
Italy: Catholic Diocese Urges Faithful to Participate in Islamic Prayers During Ramadan TBC Today Apr 2024 TBC Staff
Canada Sending Women to Kansas for Late Term Abortions by Controversial Abortionist "Tiller the Killer" TBC Today Mar 2003 TBC Staff
DNA TBC Today Jul 2003 TBC Staff
Real Jesus TBC Today Jan 2004 TBC Staff
All together now TBC Today Mar 2003 TBC Staff
Eye of newt, toe of gecko TBC Today Apr 2003 TBC Staff
United State TBC Today Sep 2003 TBC Staff
'Obedience to God's Word is vital', says leading campaigner against gay marriage TBC Today Feb 2016 TBC Staff - EN
