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Title Source Post datesort ascending Author
Liberal Lawsuit TBC Today Jan 2006 TBC Staff
Piggy Banks TBC Today Jan 2006 TBC Staff
Persecution TBC Today Jan 2006 TBC Staff
What is the Promise of Restoration? cover article Jan 2006 Hunt & McMahon
Public Schools Vs. Parent's Rights religion in the news Jan 2006 Hunt & McMahon
When Will Armageddon Take Place? contending for the faith Jan 2006 Hunt & McMahon
Why Would God Bring a Jew and a Gentile Together? understanding the scriptures Jan 2006 Hunt & McMahon
Superstars TBC Today Jan 2006 TBC Staff
Holy Lying TBC Today Jan 2006 TBC Staff
Rome’s Crimes TBC Today Jan 2006 TBC Staff
DaVinci Code TBC Today Jan 2006 TBC Staff
Discernment TBC Today Jan 2006 TBC Staff
Design 2 TBC Today Jan 2006 TBC Staff
Wresting Scripture TBC Today Jan 2006 TBC Staff
Blood TBC Today Jan 2006 TBC Staff
Reinterpretation TBC Today Jan 2006 TBC Staff
Church Closures TBC Today Jan 2006 TBC Staff
Paris Burning 3 TBC Today Jan 2006 TBC Staff
Ninth Circuit TBC Today Jan 2006 TBC Staff
Islamic Victory TBC Today Jan 2006 TBC Staff
Teen Girls TBC Today Jan 2006 TBC Staff
Tolerant Islam TBC Today Jan 2006 TBC Staff
Earnestly Contend feature article Jan 2006 Hunt, Dave
Quotable quotable Jan 2006 Various
Question: It is unfair to paint...sweeping generalizations [about worship music]. Isn’t the most important issue whether the heart of the musician pleases God? question and answer Jan 2006 TBC Staff
Question: How can you say [Rick] Warren loves the Lord and has a passion for souls when his actions do not support such a claim? question and answer Jan 2006 TBC Staff
Question: Have you heard of John Piper’s philosophy of “Christian Hedonism”? It is becoming more and more popular (especially among Christian youth) and I believe it to be a very dangerous teaching. Is Piper’s philosophy biblical? question and answer Jan 2006 TBC Staff
Question: I have heard a number of prophecy teachers state that there could be a gap of weeks or even years between the Rapture and the beginning of the 7-year tribulation period. Why couldn't there be? question and answer Jan 2006 TBC Staff
News Alert news alert Jan 2006 TBC Staff
Letters letters Jan 2006 TBC Staff
